We were being separated for over a million of years by the great South China Sea but in 16th September 1963, we were united as one.

After 48 years, we no longer lived on trees or hunting people's head . We lived in concrete walls like everyone else. We drove cars on tar roads like everywhere else. We prosper together through the hard works of ourselves.
Today is the day that we celebrate our Malaysia day where all Malaysians are united as one. Do not ask where are you from or which "bangsa" are you. We are all Malaysians from Malaysia!
As to celebrate this meaningful day (especially for Sarawakian and Sabahan), WE (Malaysia’s Comic&Doodle Bloggers) have decided to created our very 1st MCA (massive collaboration artwork) and present it to all the people in Malaysia.
Happy Malaysia Day!
Here's the list of contributer :D
from left to right
1. Bolehland http://www.bolehland.net
2. Sharkox http://www.thesharkox.com/
3. Theeggyolks http://theeggyolks.blogspot.com/
4. cheeChingy http://cheechingy.com
5. theBROS http://dontlikethatbro.blogspot.com/
6. UTAR BOY http://utarboy.blogspot.com/
7. Pauline http://iknowyoudontgiveadamnaboutmylife.blogspot.com/
8. Ernest http://dontlikethatbro.blogspot.com
9. Kouda Mainframe http://koudamainframe.blogspot.com/
10. MissMorbids http://missmorbids.net/
11. Pek Chek Kia http://pekchekkia.com
12. SolarCrab http://solarcrab.blogspot.com/
13. akiraceo http://akiraceo.com