
It doesn't seems like Egg wants those rock, paper and scissors. So what exactly she wants?
Well, no that too, but she wants this!!
Still confused?
Well, Rock Paper Scissor is actually one of the most trendy gift shop in Kuching located in Green Height Mall. They sells lots of creatively designed gift and stationery.
We've visited the shops for a few times already because all the plush inside is just too attractive and you can hardly sees them in other gift shops in Kuching. I mean, they are not selling those "Made in China" kind of plush and toys but rather something which is more high in quality or branded. If you're looking for something trendy and creative, do drop by this little shop. You might be surprised by what you can find here :D
In conjunction with Valentine's Day 2011 (which is just around the corner), they are organising a Facebook Photo Contest and they are giving away Jumbo Jaide!
We actually didn't know about this contest but when we were searching for ice cream (*hint) in green height mall , we stumbled against their notice.
So what exactly that you need to do to join this contest? You have 2 choices actually.
a) Visit RPS and snap a photo of yourself or with your friends on their specially designed sofa with the toys in the shop. Then email the photo to rps@greenheightmall.com.my
b) Snap a picture of yourself or with your friends together with any toys or product you bought from RPS then email to rps@greenheightmall.com.my
Since I did buy a plush and a coin box from RPS quite sometime ago, we decided to snap a picture or ourselves with the toy!
After trying few poses, we decided to post this one for the contest! :D
The "deeply in love" dogs don't even care about the bone. Only Yolk does -_-"
Please cast your votes to this picture!
Anyway, we do hope to win this contest because I (yolk) actually promised Egg that I'll give her 26 plush (named from A - Z). So far I only reached "N", still have "O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X" before I reach "Z" =_="
Since it's a most "like" contest, we seriously need to gather as much like as we can! Your click will do wonders.
Egg and Yolk
*pictures courtesy of RPS facebook fanpage