Egg asked me: “are you moist enough?”
*Please don’t do this to your friends when they are not moist enough!!
Both Egg and I are those “dry skin” types which can’t stand hot weather and our skin will get very dry.

Egg always has these dry skins appearing on her legs while I always have dark dry skins all over my hands resulted from riding motorcycle during day time
In fact, we did try some home remedy found in the internet!!

Hmm..not very applicable -_-“
To help people like us, Vaseline introduced their new body lotions with variants such as Total Moisture, Healthy White, Intensive Rescue, and Aloe Cool & Fresh

After surveying all the variant, I bought “healthy white skin” for myself since I’m riding motorcycle everyday under the hot sun. I need these to protect my skin from the Sun.

To end this post, here's another ads we made for Vaseline's Moisturising lotion! Enjoy!!
* This post was written for the purpose of joining Nuffnang and Vaseline's "are you moist enough" blogging contest
By: Egg & Yolk