Remember the time when we started our blog in 2008, all the pictures taken were through my Nokia 3500. Not only that the quality is super low, we can’t even take pictures at night! That’s why we started to draw cartoon to replace those “kanasai” pictures -_-“

After all, hand phones are not meant for taking pictures. However, it’s the only photo-taking device when you don’t have a camera!!
By the end of 2009, Egg bought a Casio digital camera during the PC fair. We thought it's a changing point for us but we were rather disappointed with the picture quality. We can't complain much since the camera only cost us RM550! (after a series of bargain -_-")

I personally love taking pictures of the sky and everything on land because I know I can never take pictures under water by using our digital camera.

Somehow this personal liking of mine gets a 180 degree turn when I come across Sony’s newly launched camera, the
Cyber-Shot TX5! It gives me the urge to take pictures under water.

After spending sometime cracking my shallow brain, I came out with this great idea! (I know a lot of you have thought of this -_-)

To try out the result of this combination, Egg and I went all the way to a beach Resort last Saturday. (which is approximately 40km from the city of Kuching)

First off, we went to the beach trying to snap few pictures under the sea!

Guess what! Our Casio jammed when it got sprinkled by some sea water when we were taking pictures of the beach. Luckily it came back life after being some knocks and shakes -_-"

We still have a backup plan!! Plan B! We replace our Casio with my hand phone!!

It was a total failure due to muddy coloured sea water. *sigh~
Moving into plan C, we went to the swimming pool to try out the combination.

I went underwater trying to snap some pictures. I’m not taking pictures bikini babes! I swear! (*blinking eyes)
This is what I caught in the swiming pool.
This is what I wish I could snap with using Sony TX5.

Another series of failure!
In the end, we just took pictures “above the water” using my resurrected Casio -_-“ with poor quality.

After my "water moment"! soaking wet -_-"
How I wish to own that super awesome
Sony TX5 so that I can take pictures of bikini babes..ehem! I mean pictures of marine life under water.
You think
Sony TX5 is special just because it can dip inside water? In fact, it’s more durable and it has more features than you can imagine!
Let’s compare our camera with
Sony TX5
Sony TX5 can go as deep as 3m for 60 minutes

Sony TX5 allows drops of up to a height of 1.5m

Sony TX5 can continue taking pictures even at -10°c

Sony TX5 is dust proof

Sony TX5 gives 50% less noise because of the high sensitivity “Exmor R” CMOS sensor coupled with BIONZ imaging processor

Sony TX5 comes with Anti-motion Blur mode that reduce noise and subject blur, giving you clear and sharp images.

There’s more!!
Sony TX5 has this auto-focusing, exposure auto-correction and auto white balancing with BIONZ imaging processor. Even noob photographer like me can take professional pictures
Sony TX5 comes with panoramic photos functions that allows you to take great panoramic shots just by moving the camera horizontally!

Last but not least,
Sony TX5 can take10 shots in 1 sec! This is how it looks like that Egg kicked me -_-

Promising enough? Well, enjoy our ads before rushing to your nearest Sony Centre store!
Did you notice that Egg was not in all the pictures taken? Actually she can't swim! Remember few years back when we were still in Sabah, we visited few islands with lots of fishes. Too bad Egg cant swim and we didn't go snorkeling.

Pulau Sapi (K.K)
With the new
Sony Cybershot TX5, I'll be able to snap pictures to show Egg and share the experience with her!

*This post was written for the purpose of joining Nuffnang - Sony "my water moment" blogging contest based on true stories!!
By: Egg & Yolk