Do you often read newspapers? As for me, I enjoyed reading news paper because I’m one of those “kaypo – busy body”people! Haha! Anyway, if you are staying in Sarawak, you’ll find that most English educated people read “The Borneo Post”, only little option to buy west Malaysian’s paper. I guess we don’t have much choice as there’s just too few local English papers.

However, starting from today, we (Sarawakian) will have something new to accompany us during our breakfast as The Star’s inaugural Sarawak Edition hits the street today! Breakfast will never the same anymore.

The Star (Sarawak) was official launched today by our State Housing and Urban Development Minister Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Abang Openg who represented our Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud at the Spring shopping mall, Kuching.

musical performance to entertain the guests

If you subscribe the paper for 8 month, you’ll get another 4 months for FREE which cost you only RM224 (saved RM209). There’s another package where you subscribe for 2 months, you’ll get 1 month free with the price of RM56. This promotion is only valid from 1st March to 30th June 2010. So hurry and get a copy yourself!
Those who subscribe the paper on the spot today will get a lot of shopping vouchers sponsored by “LEA sports centre”, “Starbucks”, and so on. The roadshow was held at the Spring from today till March 14, during which The Star’s circulation counter will be offering subscription sales and promotions.
The event was successful and it has been an exshausting day for all the star's staff including Egg -_-" She has been sitting at the registration counter the whole day registering all the guest and visitors.
By: Egg & Yolk