Life is much easier by flying with flymas.mobi! It's as easy as 1, 2, 3 and it's as simple as a, b, c! No long queues, No slow internet loading!

In fact, there are more functions in this mobile site than you can imagine! We've simplified the whole functions of this mobile site into this little flash below! Just move your cursor to the link and you'll see the descriptions and functions. Enjoy!
This blog post was written for the purpose of joining flymas.mobi contest organized by MAS and Nuffnang.
Wonder how to join this contest? Just write a blog post on flymas.mobi and then send your permanent link to flymas.mobi@nuffnang.com. You might just win yourself the following:
Wonder how to join this contest? Just write a blog post on flymas.mobi and then send your permanent link to flymas.mobi@nuffnang.com. You might just win yourself the following:

Start booking your flights with flymas.mobi anywhere, anytime right from your phone!
By: Egg & Yolk